Verify .NET Interface R←2250⌶Y

This function provides information about the Dyalog interface to .NET. The system attempts to load the Bridge DLL and reports the status of the .NET interface. It can be used to determine whether your .NET-related code can run, and also what sort of .NET support you have. It also means that you can suppress all messages that ⎕USING would otherwise generate

The right argument Y is zero:

The result R is a 3-element nested array:

Item Description
R[1] Numeric.
¯1: .NET interface is not supported
0: .NET interface is not configured
1: the .NET interface is configured to use .NET Core
2: the .NET interface is configured to use the .NET Framework
R[2] Boolean 0 or 1.
1 : the Bridge DLL was successfully loaded.
0 : the Bridge DLL failed to load, or was not attempted.
R[3] A character vector containing error messages generated during load.

Examples (Windows)

      ⎕←2 ⎕NQ '.' 'GetEnvironment' 'Dyalog_NETCore'

      ⎕←2 ⎕NQ '.' 'GetEnvironment' 'Dyalog_NETCore'

Implementation Note

The underlying code is run once only and the results cached, so all subsequent calls to 2250⌶ will return the same result as the first time.